Friday, August 31, 2012

Campaign 1996 cartoons

Campaign 1996
even though I didn't have a cartooning job, I couldn't just NOT do cartoons...
Bob Dole was challenging incumbent Bill Clinton, of whom he violently disapproved. As the two were a generation apart, I pictured Bill & Hillary as rebellious 50s teens, with the Doles as a kind of "Ozzie & Harriet"...

Campaign 1996 cartoons

Campaign 1996
The South Carolina GOP debate was mean, with every commercial break showing really vicious campaign ads by and against those competing for the chance to challenge Clinton...

Campaign 1996 cartoons

Campaign 1996-
Bob Dole, who was filled with outrage at Clinton's agenda, behavior (this was BEFORE Monica!), and just the general way he occupied the White House, exhorted, in speech after speech: "Where is the outrage?!?!?!" Soccer moms, who liked Clinton, didn't know...


 This year's presidential campaign has puzzled me, as when Mitt Romney says, "I won't apologize for being successful."
And people are talking of the "Politics of Envy."
Since when did "Success" become synonymous with "Wealth?" 
I know a lot of successful people who are happy with their work and their families; who work hard and do a good job every day; and (until they have a medical emergency), they believe they are quite comfortable. 
When I was a child, my father and I stood on the dilapidated front porch of the farmhouse built by my great-grandfather, looking out at the fields Daddy managed for his cousin George. I looked up at my father, who was dressed in his work boots and sweat-stained old Army shirt, and I asked, "Daddy, are we rich?"
Because at that time I felt sorry for every little girl who wasn't me.

This is one of my favorite childhood photos--Daddy holding my sister Marty, while I get to climb on the car!

Two other siblings were to join us:  Margaret, when I was five, and our baby brother, Bill (now called "Big Country" by his three sons & most everyone else...), when I was 14.

This is Marty and me on the back steps of the farmhouse my great-grandfather built.  Another one of my favorite photos.

I seriously thought we were rich.

Movie Stars and Politics

I totally love Clint Eastwood's movies. I love his characters and his directing. I hope the "talk" he made at the RNC will not mar his great legacy.
It's like the way I loved Paul Newman. HIS politics were too left-wing for me (I know, I know--y'all can't believe that), and I often saw him expounding on TV talk shows. It was obvious that he didn't really understand the issues and hadn't done his homework. I was really disillusioned.
But Movie stars are bigger than life because their roles are heroic, and their words are written by folks who aren't nearly as good-looking as they.
Reagan was a great politician (I didn't say a great PRESIDENT) because he was a better actor in real life than he was in the movies.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Clint Eastwood

The knock on the Republican Party is that it is the party of "Angry Old White Men:" Special RNC guest Clint Eastwood reenforces that stereotype...

John McCain

John McCain's RNC speech: long on war, short on Romney

Paul Ryan speaking at the RNC...

VP choice Paul Ryan's RNC speech was laced with dubious facts

Condoleeza Rice

Rice delivered a great speech at the RNC last night...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Suggested Romney Campaign Button

Inspired by:
Birthers in GOP; Sununu "wishes POTUS wd learn how 2 be  American" Romney birther joke; Gingrich:"food stamp president"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Senator Jim DeMint, R-SC

Drawings of British Royalty...'cause of the Olympics and all...

Queen Elizabeth II

                                              Prince Phillip

Prince Charles

from 1995




Camilla Parker-Bowles
from 1995






Kate Middleton and Prince William

Prince Harry


 “Shrimper” 20”x20” Oil on gallery wrapped canvas