Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This cartoon was done on my iPad--the third cartoon done this way so far. 
Obviously, I have a lot of practice ahead of me to regain my original style--(see the caricature of Grover Norquist)--and the work still takes too long.
I'd like to evolve into a more sketchy style.  But that will come with practice. 
At least I can do this much, and it's fun!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

doing cartoons again...slowly...

I did this on my iPad, using a new application (for me) called "SketchBook." 
Still trying to learn how to use it, but I've really been impressed with things my colleague cartoonists  are doing with it--the best thing is that working on the iPad doesn't hurt my shoulder as much, which means I can work longer at a time!
I did the sketch for this weeks ago on paper with pencil and scanned it into my computer.  I emailed it to myself, opened on my iPad, imported it to SketchBook, and used it as a "layer."
I outlined it on another layer and colored it on another, then merged the layers-minus the original.
Hope to be doing more art--like caricatures of candidates and lawmakers--soon!


 “Shrimper” 20”x20” Oil on gallery wrapped canvas